Content Marketing & Copywriting
What drives the web? Content. Words. Stories.
Oh, yeah, you’ve got stories. War stories, time-in-the-trenches stories, don’t-make-this-common-mistake stories.
But all those great stories aren’t doing you much good when they’re locked up in your head.
And yet…if you were to take a few of them and share them with the world, you could start making connections with people. And not just *any* people, but those potential clients who’ll respond to your willingness to be real with them. Your willingness to reveal something of yourself, and to talk about why you do what you do. This is your chance to be human, and to make a human-to-human connection. (Or H2H, if you prefer.)
Content Marketing
Content marketing is — among other things — the art and science of taking your stories and using them to connect with your clients — both current and potential. And no, these stories don’t have to be about your angst-ridden middle school years or your crazy college days. (Although it’s quite possible that those stories might be especially interesting to your clients!) Think instead of your commitment to what you do, and to your clients. Where did that come from? Anyone can talk about their deep devotion to their clients, but do you have a specific story or two about how you’ve come through for those who’ve depended on you? (The rule of thumb, in other words, is “Show, don’t tell.”)
In the larger sense, content marketing can consist of many different things with many different objectives. It can be the soothing words in a dentist’s blog post about all the Covid-19 safety precautions they’ve taken for their patients. It’s the video you watched last week about how carefully a moving company treats their customers’ furnishings so they’re not damaged or broken. It’s the interesting-sounding e-book that convinces you provide a company with your email address so that you can learn something you wanted to know more about.
So, what’s copywriting? It’s the carefully crafted messaging on your website. It’s the compelling offer in a Google ad. It’s an email newsletter letting your clients know what you’ve been working on and what you’re thinking about.
As you can see, there’s a lot of overlap between content marketing and copywriting. What”s most important to understand is that they’re very closely related. Kissing cousins, if you will.
This may be a useful way of thinking about the difference: Content marketing is an increasingly large part of many marketing strategies, and copywriting skills are typically needed to deliver that content marketing. In some cases, you can think of the two as the strategy and the tactics. For instance, when leveraging Google Ads, having a specialized assistant like Google Agency (Google Agentur) can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns. The video you want to make about your firm is considered content marketing, but its script depends on copywriting.
So, start thinking about some of your stories. The ones that prove that you’re great at your job. That you love your job. That you understand the hopes and fears of your clients. These are the stories that we’ll write up in order to show that you’re not just another generic attorney or accountant, and that they won’t be just another faceless client to you.