What does the future hold? To quote Nobel laureate Niels Bohr, “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.” And given all the ongoing change in both the legal profession and the marketing world, it must take a certain level of foolhardiness to attempt to tackle the subject of the future of legal […]
The Unique Selling Proposition Gets a Makeover: Attorneys, What’s Your “Unique Lawyering Proposition™”?
The “Unique Selling Proposition” is a concept that’s close to the heart of marketers everywhere. The USP is a shorthand way of describing what every product or service desperately needs: a meaningful point of distinction, a way of differentiating it from the products or services of its competitors. In a crowded marketplace, a well-defined USP […]
Personal Branding 101: Honing Your Elevator Pitch, Knowing Your Audience and Speaking Their Language
I was at a networking event recently where the organizers drew a business card from a fishbowl to select one lucky attendee. They then provided that individual with a full two minutes to sell the crowd on their company, their services or themselves. It turned out that the individual whose name was drawn was unemployed. […]
Your 2011 Marketing Plan, Part 2: Setting Goals the SMART Way
“Begin with the end in mind.” – Steven Covey In my previous post, Your 2011 Marketing Plan, Part 1: The Value of Setting Goals and Planning, I addressed the importance of setting goals. At this time, I’d like to take it a step further by discussing how to set meaningful and measurable goals that become […]
Your 2011 Marketing Plan, Part 1: The Value of Setting Goals & Planning
If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. – Yogi Berra It must be the end of the year already, because all the articles and blog posts about setting goals and planning are starting to appear. And guess what: This is yet another one. Hey, I heard that groan. […]
The Importance of a Strategic Approach to Law Firm Marketing in an Era of Change, Uncertainty and Increasing Competition
By now, it’s fairly well understood that we are living through a period of great change and uncertainty. As Peter Winick proclaims in a recent post, uncertainty is now permanent. While I tend to be somewhat hesitant about calling anything permanent, it appears that for most people in the workforce today – and for almost […]
What’s Next for BigLaw? Revolution is in the Air – and the Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) Firms Shall Lead It
“In retrospect, all revolutions seem inevitable. Beforehand, all revolutions seem impossible.” — Michael McFaul, National Security Council We are in the midst of a true revolution in the delivery of legal services. And upon reading that, it’s likely that you will fall into one of two camps: those who have already heard the guns firing and who […]
Who Are Your Heroes? On Second Acts, Defying Conventional Wisdom & Realizing Your Dreams
“There are no second acts in American lives.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald “As you get older, it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary.” – Ernest Hemingway Who are your heroes? I’m a firm believer that heroes are not just for kids. Everyone should have heroes – and the more, the […]